kali van der merwe
This extract is actually a circular dome master since one can't properly see a 360 film on a flat screen.
It was made in collaboration with artist and visual editor Simon, Dunckley and sound artist Jacques van Zyl (hashtag_blacknoise) with music by Warrick Sony.
This is just a 3 minute snippet of the 11 minute film.
Animortis premiered in November 2019 at Under the Dome festival at Iziko Plantarium Cape Town.
This project was supported by Centre for Curating the Archive at the University of Cape Town and Iziko South African Museums.
The film is a journey into death created with animal. And bird roadkill victims and found insect corpses.
It has also been, adapted for virtual reality.
Over the last 3 years, I have been stop frame animating roadkill animal and bird victims as well as insect corpses. These individual animations formed part of ANIMORTIS.
First shown at the AfTeR LiFe exhibition at Iziko South African Museum 2018 as part of a 3 channel projection
Allow for the perpetual motion film to load
all rights reserved © Kali van der Merwe
site designed by kaligraphics